Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Review: Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP

Ever since I started my leather work, I've always been on the lookout for a good leather care product, it is an essential end step in the whole process. To be honest, it's been quite difficult finding a proper product to care for a veg-tanned leather as it needs to be able to naturally protect it's delicate surface while enhancing the leather itself.

I've stop searching after I found Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP. It's a wax based product with all natural oil, all the info is on their website here.

Application is super easy, apply by using hands/fingers so the heat will melt the wax. I also find that the product does not deteriorate your skin, I have a feeling it might even nourish the skin itself. I've applied the wax into numerous items in a span of a few days using only my bare hands and i'm still waiting for that painful skin cracking.

Upon application, the wax will darken the leather slightly. Once fully absorbed, the leather is almost back to it's original colour, important for natural veg-tanned leather. It also soften the leather considerably.

Items that has been waxed with Obenauf's. The wrist bracelet is few shades darker after generous application of the wax, still retain its patina.

The strap on the top has not been waxed yet. It's lighter in colour.

After application, similar shades.

Water resistant testing, normally a natural veg-tanned leather will absorb water like a sponge. Not this time, it beads on the surface instead.

Water is seeping into the leather slowly.

After flicking the water away. Some made it into the leather.

After few minutes of air drying, it's back to normal.

Another test on a veg-tanned leather.

This test is an interesting one, the leather used is already waxed from the tannery and has some water resistant properties already. However it still absorb and 'grab' the liquid.

The strap is made from the same leather and has two coat of Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP. It enhances the water resistant properties to the point of being waterproof. The surface is completely dry after flicking the water away.

One awesome product!

I highly recommend Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP if you are serious about your leather. It's not messy, smells great and really does what it says. This one has Ped's & Ro's seal of approval. :-)


  1. I love this product. I've been using it on my leather items for years, and nothing beats it. I feel like this one little tub will last me a lifetime, and help my leather outlast me!

  2. @eric two deluxe: I couldn't agree more!

  3. Honestly the best product!
    I use the Heavy Duty LP on my hunting boots.
    I used many other products before for years, and no other product comes close to it!!
    K.U. from Denver Colorado

  4. how would you treat a leather jacket made 20 to 30 years ago? I have quite a few, some newer, but most are in great shape but need treated to last. I am especially concerned about inside collar area and what to expect in color change, as it will darken, but will it lighten back up as the oil applied dries? can I clean a spotted jacket myself before treating or oiling?

  5. forgot to add I would be glad to post photos for any help in protecting and/or cleaning these jackets.

  6. You will need to identify the type of leather the jacket has and what sort of stain that need to be spot clean. You can always do a test on the inside of a jacket to see the colour changes. As long as you apply the product evenly, I wouldn't be too concerned on the change of colour. Yes it will lighten slightly as the wax settles in the leather.

  7. Nice post.. i love leather product.

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